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Decision Support Options

In order from Least to Most Restrictive

Anchor 1
Supported Self-Advocacy/Supported Decision Making
Additional Alternatives that Do Not Involve the Court System
  • Healthcare Proxy: an identified individual to make health care decisions on the young adult's behalf if they become unable to make decisions

  • Durable Power of Attorney: an identified individual who will make financial, business, and/or legal decisions on the young adult's behalf if they become unable to make decisions

    • This is typically recommended for individuals who own property or have large sums of money

    • it is recommended to seek support from a lawyer if pursuing a power of attorney

  • Appointment of Advocate

Limited Conservatorship
  • Specifies specific areas of financial management where the conservator makes decisions on behalf of the young adult with a disability

  • The young adult will make all other financial decisions

Full Conservatorship
  • The identified conservator has full control over the young adult's finances.

  • The young adult has restricted decision-making rights regarding their money but has full decision-making rights regarding other areas of life

Limited/Partial Guardianship
  • An appointed guardian makes decisions in specific areas of life on behalf of the young adult with a disability

  • The specific areas must be identified when applying for limited/partial guardianship

  • The young adult maintains decision-making rights in all other areas

Full Guardianship
  • An appointed guardian has legal authority to make all decisions on behalf of the person with the disability

  • The individual's decision-making rights are restricted across all areas

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©2022 por Programa PATH - Rachael Feuerstein, PA-C.

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