Promoting Adolescent Transitions in Healthcare

Puberty and Sexuality
Website focused on taking the awkward out of sex ed with fun, animated videos
Topics include: puberty, pregnancy and reproduction, gender identity, period symptoms, abortion, personal safety, and sexual orientation
Crehan Lab at Tufts University
Sex Ed Resource List
Includes resources on a variety of topics, such as: sexual health, relationships, menstruation, book recommendations, and websites
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Autism Spectrum Disorder Webinar
Sexuality and Autism Spectrum Disorder Podcast Episode
Dr. Elizabeth Koss Schmidt
Videos and educational material on sexuality for young adults with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (IDD)
Topics include contraceptives, understanding sexual and gender identity as an individual with IDD, raising a family as an individual with IDD, and puberty
Healthy Relationships, Sexuality, and Disability Resource Guide
A 43 page document with resources covering a variety of topics including puberty, sex education, relationship development, sexual orientation, sexual and gender identity, sexual health, and sexual abuse prevention
Organization for Autism Research (OAR) Sex Ed for Self-Advocates Online Resource Guide
Teaches various topics using both written texts and audio/video
Topics include public versus private, puberty, healthy relationships, consent, dating 101, sexual orientation and gender identity, sexual activity, online relationships and safety
Sex Ed for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) by the National Council on Independent Living
10 part video series available on YouTube. Topics include sex, gender, genitalia; puberty; masturbation; healthy relationships; consent; pregnancy; sexually transmitted diseases and infections (STDs/STIs); condom use
Sex Ed for Self-Advocates - The Birds and the Bees
Free self-paced online curriculums for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and developmental disabilities
Curriculums for middle-school, high-school aged individuals and adults
Sex Etc. Sex in the States
Sex in the States: Website with a clickable map that shares state-specific guidelines around sex education laws and age of consent
Communication Tool: an online tool that helps individuals start conversations about different topics with suggestions on how to talk to different individuals about certain sex-related topics
Conversations topics include pregnancy, sex, STIs/testing, and coming out/being an ally with different topic suggestions for communicating with a partner, parent, friend, trusted adult, and/or a healthcare provider
Advocates for Youth - Rights, Respect, Responsibility
Online curriculum for students K-12 available in English and Spanish
Topics include: abstinence, advocacy, body image, bullying, consent, gender identity, and much more